I designed the Petabyte-scale global data-transfer architecture for LHC computing and led the team that rearchitected the system that hundreds of our engineers use to manage the IT services of CERN
I’ve been responsible for both the Petabyte-scale global data transfer system for the Worldwide LHC computing grid and for the primary Batch and HPC computing facillities that power the scientific computing of CERN
I’ve successfully led IT software development and operations teams for the critical computing services behind the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
I enjoy the challenge of running reliable services that can scale up to the needs of our users
Measuring and problem-solving is the core of what I enjoy at work
I’ve written lots of software and services (mostly Python, Go and Java) and I like to use software to solve problems
Experimental particle physicist in a previous life
I love to measure and analyse things, and apply this analytical approach to my work